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My first day.

My first day.

Livre Kid

My first day.

Good morning England

Good morning England

For many days before the departure, I was very excited. Go back to England again with my class reminds me some memories of an old school trip when I arrived to La Nativité.

I woke up at 3, 30 a. m, I checked up my luggages and ate quickly. My father dropped me in front the school, I said goodbye to him and joined the group. The trip could begin ! 

We were waiting the last people when the bus arrived, unfortunately we had to spent 2hours in it. In the bus everything was quiet, all of us were sleeping. Nice airport wasn't huge, we took the plane and arrived to Heathrow airport without problems.

After a short bus trip, we did our first visit in England, Windsor Castle, it is a medieval castle and a royal residence, also it is the largest inhabited castle in the world. It was built by William the conqueror after his victory at the battle of Hastings. The visit was interesting, we saw that it was luxury decorated, especially the king's and the queen's private rooms.

After the visit we had some free-time to picnic on the benches near the castle, it was pretty fun. Then we took the bus to go to Bristol, to met the host families. I was supposed to slept at Mrs. Smith house but they couldn't, so me, Marc and Thomas went in the house of Mr. Davies.

Actually the family was cool, we had 3 beds, and a little bathroom. The family also had a "bichon frisé" like they said, named Charlie. After the dinner which was french fries and chicken, we had a shower, and slept at midnight.

The first day gave me a very good feeling !